Found the kid playing with her dog instead of Zooming with her teacher. She told me not to worry. She took a screenshot of herself “paying attention,” then cut her video & replaced it with the picture. “It’s a gallery view of 20 kids, mom. They can’t tell.” She is 10. #COVID19
Check out the latest article from @Cloudbeds! We discuss #security risks to properties and include tips on how to combat #hotel cyber threats! #security #privacy #hoteltech #hospitalitytech #informationsecurity #infosec #cybersecurity #hotels #cloudbeds #computersecurity twitter.com/Cloudbeds/stat…
AWS CLI v2 is generally available. New features include improved installers, configuration, paging & AWS SSO options. Learn how you can install it: go.aws/2JqaaHe pic.twitter.com/ELne9cgGpU
The tiny town of Brazil, Indiana has a population of just 8,000. If aunty ji can step up, everyone can. #Covid_19 #CovidUSA pic.twitter.com/kHixE29MOC
New word for the day: “Zoombombing” theguardian.com/technology/20…
“and how many italian beef sandwiches would you like?” “uhh... two wheelchairs worth?” cheers to @portilloshotdog for keeping hospital staff fed. twitter.com/MyFranciscan/s…
Criminals are taking advantage of the global coronavirus crisis, Europol says. Cyberattacks, fraud schemes, counterfeit good schemes, and organized property theft are all on the rise cnn.it/2QPX4qU
There are now two hundred **MILLION** websites using @letsencrypt certs!!! 🎉 twitter.com/letsencrypt/st…
Who says we can't innovate products (instead of software) quickly? Check out what @Dyson and @ttp_plc did in 10 days -- invent a new #ventilator to help #covid19 patients. Wonderful. fastcompany.com/90481936/dyso…
If you are interested in InfoSec career enhancement, please consider signing up for this free training to work towards the Network+ and Security+ certifications, including several donated tests. 3 things: --------- The training is free. It won't be easy. It will be worth it. twitter.com/marcusjcarey/s…