I’ve spent some time lately researching Open Source Intelligence feeds, dashboards, etc. I was trying to set up the Collective Intelligence Framework (CIF) and the Kibana dashboard associated with it, but ran into some snags. Namely, anytime I enabled the Kibana dashboard on my Ubuntu VM, it caused the CIF command-line tools to fail.
While troubleshooting (via my very best Google-fu), I came across ThreatWatch, a project that already has this implemented, running, and even added a large amount of additional feeds to what the Collective Intelligence Framework has.
A full list of feeds/data sources contained in ThreatWatch is available here: http://www.threatwatch.ie/feeds
A link to the ThreatWatch dashboard is available here: https://feeds.threatwatch.ie/#/dashboard/file/default.json. An example screenshot of the dashboard is below as well:
Hi Noah,
I tried accessing the links above to create my own dashboards in kibana but they are unaccessible. Any chance you would have alternate links?
Hi there,
Unfortunately it looks like the ThreatWatch project is dead. The website no longer exists, twitter account has no tweets/activity, and the domain name (threatwatch.ie) has expired.